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First Year Group B 10.09.18

Sampling class
Drawing word exercise used. The same examples given IE. New York, Fish, see sketches below.
Suggested that if you get an idea, for example the ‘I’ in Paris is a baguette, maybe rethink this as lots of things can be used as an ‘I’ so rejig is around. They received the same list of words as last Mondays group: windy, nest, fire, book, cloud.
The teacher walks around the class encouraging ideas and giving a few out as well. Some of the kids just stare at the blank page whilst other dive right in.
The page was slip in six allowing them to come up with a few ideas or explore just one, and next class they’ll pick one word to do on a large scale. When choosing do your encourage/guide them to an idea or do you just agree with their choice? And drawing on someone else’s page? Should we as art teachers do this?


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